
Blepharospasm (Uncontrolled Blinking)
Blepharospasm is an abnormal, involuntary (cannot be controlled) blinking or spasming of the eyelids. The condition develops spontaneously on its own with rare cases being hereditary (passed down from parent to child).
The symptoms of blepharospasm include:
- Intermittent or near constant blinking that cannot be controlled
- Facial spasms
- Eye irritation and sensitivity to light in some cases
Comprehensive Exam – Your doctor will conduct a thorough exam of your eyes and ask for your health history to diagnose this condition.
Botulinum injections (Botox) – Injections of small amounts of botulinum toxin (Botox) can help to reduce involuntary blinking. Your ophthalmologist will use a tiny needle to inject Botox in precise areas around your eye right in the office.
Medication – In some cases, your ophthalmologist may prescribe an oral (taken by mouth) medication to help decrease the symptoms of this condition.
Myectomy – In this surgical procedure, your ophthalmologist removes some of the muscles and nerves of your eyelids. Myectomies are successful in about 75 to 85 percent of people with blepharospasm