Customized Aspheric Lasik Treatment

Customised Aspheric Treatment for Vision Correction
Custom LASIK treatment replaces ‘the one treatment fits all’ with a procedure that is tailored to the individual eye. While standard laser eye treatment gives very high-quality results for the majority of patients, many people’s ‘eyes are not standard’. Their eyes might require a specially tailored treatment.
By having an optimised custom ablation- the shape of the cornea is kept similar to the natural shape, i.e. prolate shape (steeper in the centre and flatter in the periphery) as compared to standard laser treatment where the shape of the cornea is shaped to be steeper in the periphery and flatter in the centre. This significantly reduces aberrations and gives the patient the benefit of having Super Vision, or vision beyond boundaries.
Another major advantage of Aspheric Lasik is for those with large pupils and poor night time vision. This is possible as the optical performance of the eye is measured at each and every place on the cornea, including the part which is used when the pupil is large. Laser treatment is then programmed to each tiny part of the corneal surface so that every area of the cornea gets the best correction. Contrast sensitivity in low lighting levels is increased and the risk of developing night time halos and glare is greatly decreased.
First developed by astrophysicists, this is the latest technology in laser eye surgery and combines advanced diagnostics and laser ablation. By pinpointing and measuring the tiniest imperfections and natural distortions of your vision, with the exact measurements we take from the Wavefront diagnostic work station, we are able to create a tailor-made treatment plan that is as unique as you are and is customized to suit the individual eye.
TO LEARN MORE, GO TO ‘Understanding Laser Vision Correction Page’
TO GET THIS TREATMENT, GO TO ‘Getting Refractive Services at Angel Eyes Page’