From The Desk Of Chief Medical Director

From the Desk of Chief Medical Director
Welcome to the website of Angel Eyes Institute of Ophthalmology!
Angel Eyes has been a premier institute for comprehensive Eye Care in the Western Uttar Pradesh since 1999. From our earliest days on, we have strived to provide quality eye care as that seen in bigger cities and metros. We pride ourselves in successfully providing world-class services. Keeping in mind the economics of our part of the country, all efforts have been made to provide these services at an affordable rate without compromising the quality of the eye care. I sincerely believe that no person should be denied quality health care due to lack of funds. A judicious use of technological advancements without going into unnecessary luxury and frills, helps us keep the cost within reasonable limits.
Besides giving highly specialized eye treatments at affordable cost, we at Angel Eyes, believe in the principle of ‘First Do No Harm’. We follow a strict guideline regarding which patients we will treat. We never ever try to treat any patient whose condition is beyond our reasonable level of expertise. Whenever we get patients who we know are in need of any treatment which we do not offer or are beyond our capabilities, we do not hesitate to refer them to proper tertiary centres. So, all our patients can be confident of getting a safe and sound advice about their eye condition.
In the pages of the website that follows, we have tried to bring all relevant information about various common eye diseases, more so in our part of the world. We have included all proven, tried and tested treatments that are available for these conditions. We will be regularly updating the treatment options as they become available and become main stream.
A section of the website is devoted to the various services available at Angel Eyes and how to avail them. We have included sections to give you a better understanding as to what you should expect when you come for your treatment to Angel Eyes.
Angel Eyes is an institute built on the foundation of complete transparency in all our treatments and an absolute trust between the patient and our team. So, when you come to us, please relax and let us take care of your vision to the best of our abilities!
- Warm regards,
- Dr. Dilpreet Singh,
- M.S. (Cataract and Lasik Surgeon),
- Chief Medical Director,
- Angel Eyes Institute of Ophthalmology,
Kanpur, India