Range of Premium IOL available at Angel Eyes

Premium Intra Ocular Lenses used in Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery at Angel Eyes
Basic Premium IOL:
- The IOL should be made from good quality bio-compatible acrylic/silicone material.
- The IOL should be big in size to prevent the problem of glare at night.
- A big size lens will need to be foldable if it is to be implanted through the small incision made during Phacoemulsification surgery.
- The shape of the IOL should not be spherical (i.e. totally circular from centre to edge). This will give rise to distorted vision at the edges. The better IOLs today are aspherical in shape i.e. spherical in centre and slightly flattened at the edges. This is the same as our natural lens and gives accurate vision even at the edges.
- The whole of IOL should have same power throughout the lens.
- The IOL should be able to block the harmful UV rays present in the sunlight.
- The design of the edges of the premium IOL should be such as to prevent or decrease the chances of developing ‘after cataract’ (thickening and opacification of posterior capsule of natural lens).
Advanced Premium IOL:
These lenses in addition to the above qualities will have certain other features which make them still better –
- The IOL should be aberration free. During the manufacturing process, an IOL may develop aberrations which are very minute defects in the IOL. The presence of these aberrations leads to a significant drop in the quality of vision. As the manufacturing process becomes more and more advanced the amount of these aberrations go on decreasing. The more advanced variety of IOL are virtually aberration free. The vision obtained with aberration – free IOL is of extremely superior quality.
- An important element of our vision is the feature of contrast sensitivity. This is the ability of our eyes to see in dim light. It is with the help of this feature that we are able to discern things at night especially when the light condition is less than optimum. The lower range of IOL usually do not preserve this function well. It is the more advanced IOL that will preserve this function of eye to the maximum.
- Another important feature of our vision is our capability for depth perception. This is a very important feature of our vision as it helps to get a perception of how everything is placed near us in reference to our position. A small task like moving up or down the stairs will become extremely difficult without this ability. Depth perception is an absolute must for those wanting to drive any vehicle. All the more advanced IOL will preserve our depth perception.
Most Advanced Premium IOL:
The most advanced IOL will have the following qualities in addition to all those seen above:
- These IOL are not only themselves free of spherical aberrations but will also be able to correct some of the higher order spherical aberrations present naturally in the eye. These higher order spherical aberrations are present to some variable extent in all of us. These are responsible for the glare we normally have. Also, these aberrations may cause less than optimum vision by being in the optical pathway.
- Nowadays we have IOL which have a yellow chromophore which gives it a natural yellow tint. This is very close to our natural lens. The presence of this chromophore will give a more natural colour to everything we see after the cataract surgery. Hence the quality of vision is restored closer to our natural vision. Moreover, this chromophore will prevent the harmful effects of Ultraviolet as well as the blue light which may damage the retina.
- The latest addition to this segment of IOL is the glistening free IOL. Many IOL after a few years of implantation develop glistenings or small vacuoles in them. This will cause the vision to deteriorate. We now have the option of IOL which are manufactured such that they do not develop any such vacuoles.
Other terms used to describe IOL:
- Spherical
- Aspherical
- Hydrophobic
- Heparin Coated
- Pre-Loaded IOL
- Toric
- Bi-Focal
- Tri-Focal
Spherical IOL:
Spherical lenses have a spherical shape on the entire surface of the IOL which causes the edge of the lens to give slightly distorted image. The image quality on the whole is good except for this slight distortion.
Aspherical IOL:
These lenses are flatter at the edges and give exceptional vision quality. Asphericity gives aberration free vision along with excellent contrast sensitivity.
Hydrophobic IOL:
- Enhanced clarity
- Improved image quality
- Filters blue light for rich vibrant colours
- Prevents development of posterior capsular opacity
Heparin Coated IOL:
- Excellent vision quality
- Greatly reduces the chance of inflammation in post-operative period
- Advised mostly for Diabetic patients and patients with chronic inflammatory conditions
- This is actually a type of Phacoemulsification process used to remove cataract
- Any good foldable IOL may be implanted via this technique
- Minimal surgical induced astigmatism
- Almost immediate visual recovery
- Less trauma during cataract procedure
- negligible risk of inflammation
Preloaded IOL:
- Comes in a fully pre-loaded implantation system
- Ensure safe, trouble free and efficient IOL delivery into eye
- minimum human interference
Toric IOL:
- No post-operative astigmatism
- Minimal dependence on glasses for distance vision
Multifocal/Bi-Focal IOL:
- Though it is bi-focal but is popularly known as multifocal iol
- Gives excellent vision for distance as well as near vision with good enough range to enable patients to live without or with minimal support of glasses.
Trifocal IOL:
- Latest addition to the range of IOL technology
- Gives excellent far, near as well as intermediate visual acuity which is greatly helpful in assisting with computer related work.
Range of Premium Intra Ocular Lenses (IOL) at Angel Eyes Institute of Ophthalmology
- Rayner RayOne RA0 100C IOL
- Hanita IOL
- Rayner RayOne RA0 600C IOL
- Bausch and Lomb Akreos AO IOL
- Alcon Acrysof Multi-Piece IOL
- Alcon Acrysof Single-Piece IOL
- Alcon Acrysof IQ IOL
- Bausch and Lomb Envista IOL
- Alcon Acrysof IQ Toric IOL
- Zeiss CT Lucia Pre-loaded IOL
- Zeiss AT Lisa 809 Multi-focal (Bi-focal) IOL
- Zeiss AT Lisa 909 Multi-focal (Bi-focal) Toric IOL
- Zeiss AT Lisa Tri-focal IOL
- Zeiss AT Lisa Tri-focal Toric IOL
- Alcon Acrysof ReSTOR Multi-focal (Bi-focal) IOL
- Alcon Acrysof ReSTOR Multi-focal (Bi-focal) Toric IOL
- Alcon Acrysof IQ PanOptix Tri-focal IOL
- Alcon Acrysof IQ PanOptix Tri-focal Toric IOL
Rayner RayOne RA0 100C IOL
- Premium acrylic foldable IOL
- Non – aspheric IOL
- Excellent vision quality
- Excellent contrast sensitivity
Hanita IOL
- Premium acrylic foldable IOL
- Non – aspheric IOL
- Excellent vision quality
- Excellent contrast sensitivity
Rayner RayOne RA0 600C IOL
- Premium acrylic foldable IOL
- Aspheric IOL: gives undistorted vision even at edges
- Hydrophilic IOL
Bausch and Lomb Akreos AO IOL
- Premium acrylic foldable IOL
- Aspheric IOL: gives undistorted vision even at edges
- Hydrophilic IOL
ALCON AcrySof Three-Piece (Multi-Piece) IOL – Get the Acrysof Advantage –
The first AcrySof IOLs, the three-piece MA series, debuted in the United States in 1994. Since then, the AcrySof line has continued to expand from three-piece to single piece to IQ series and the Toric variety along with the multifocal IOL – Alcon AcrySof Restore IOL. Currently Alcon AcrySof IOL are the most frequently implanted line of IOLs in the world.
- Proprietary Hydrophobic Acrylic AcrySof material –
- This acclaimed, highly successful material is biocompatible, has been used in IOLs for many years, and is appreciated for its foldability and low rate of posterior capsular opacification.
- Non-Aspheric IOL
- Excellent contrast sensitivity for night time vision
- Excellent vision quality
ALCON AcrySof Single-Piece IOL – The AcrySof® Advantage
The Single-Piece Platform’s Benefits Include:
- High refractive index
- High biocompatibility
- Less lens epithelial cell proliferation
- Low Nd:YAG rate
- Physical and chemical stability
- Excellent centration
- Enhanced capsular conformity
The AcrySof® Single-Piece IOL’s STABLEFORCE® Haptics Platform features highly stable haptics, designed to adapt and conform to different capsular bag sizes and shapes. These haptics help ensure that the lens remains well centred within the capsular bag, exactly where it was placed during surgery. With an ultimate elongation approximately 500% greater than PMMA haptics, STABLEFORCE® haptics also feature a lower tensile strength and can withstand more deformation than do PMMA haptics, for even greater stability in the capsular bag.
Blue Light Filtration
Unlike other UV-absorbing IOLs, the AcrySof® IOL offers advanced blue-light-filtering technology, designed to approximate the human lens’ natural ability to filter UV and blue light in the 400–475 nm wavelength range. The unique AcrySof® IOL chromophore filters blue light without impacting colour vision or the quality of vision.
ALCON AcrySof IQ IOL – A Solid Foundation of Quality and Safety
The AcrySof IQ IOL is designed to restore youthful vision to patients with cataracts. With its advanced biocompatible material and innovative design, this IOL not only reduces spherical and total higher-order aberrations, but it also increases mesopic contrast sensitivity and improves functional vision.
e AcrySof® Advantage
- Proprietary hydrophobic acrylic AcrySof material
- Controlled Intraocular Unfolding
- Stability – unique STABLEFORCE haptics
- High Refractive Index
- Acrysof Natural Chromophore
Material and Prevention of Posterior Capsular Opacification
The proprietary hydrophobic acrylic AcrySof material naturally adheres to both the posterior and anterior aspects of the capsular bag. The union between the IOL and the lens capsule minimizes the amount of space in which residual lens epithelial cells can proliferate, which not only decreases the risk for posterior capsular opacification (PCO) but also reduces the rate of Nd:YAG capsulotomies. The square edge of the AcrySof lenses is another advantage that may induce a barrier effect against PCO, preventing the migration of epithelial cells across the lens’ surface.
Stability within the capsular bag is critical to achieving refractive predictability with premium IOLs. The AcrySof construction ensures reliable positioning and stability in the eye thereby improving the predictability of the refractive result. The modified L-shape STABLEFORCE haptics provide the impressive stability for which the platform is known.
High Refractive Index
AcrySof lenses have the highest refractive index of any IOL (1.55), meaning they have excellent refractive properties, yet are very thin and can pass through 2.2- to 2.4-mm microincisions with high precision.
Acrysof Natural Chromophore
In 2003, Alcon introduced a yellow chromophore to the AcrySof line that provides protection from chronic exposure to ultraviolet light. This yellow chromophore is designed to mimic the natural yellowing of the aging human lens. Studies indicate that blue light can be harmful to the retinal pigment epithelial cells and epidemiological research suggests a correlation between excessive exposure to blue light and the incidence of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).
ALCON AcrySof IQ IOL – `Get Back Youthful Eyes´
A Giant Leap Forward in Enhanced Clarity and Image Quality
The Problem: Spherical Aberration
It’s a little-known fact that, in spite of all the advances in eye care technology today, even healthy eyes may contain imperfections called higher order aberrations. An aberration is an irregularity in the shape of the eye’s refractive surface that can distort vision.
One type of higher order aberration common to cataract patients is spherical aberration, which can lead to a gradual reduction in vision acuity and function.
Spherical aberrations are generally associated with vision problems such as:
- Blurriness
- Halos
- Double vision
- Loss of contrast
- Poor night vision
The Solution: AcrySof® IQ IOL
The AcrySof IQ lens combines a proven design platform to restore the optical properties of youthful eyes to cataract patients. In addition to restoring healthy, cataract-free sight to patients, the AcrySof® IQ intraocular lens (IOL) was developed with a unique aspheric design that actually helps reduce spherical aberration and increases contrast sensitivity. As a result, the AcrySof® IQ IOL offers a number of benefits over traditional lenses, including:
- Excellent IOL stability and improved functional vision
- Enhanced clarity and improved image quality
- Filtered blue light for rich, vibrant, perfectly natural colours
Bausch and Lomb Envista IOL:
- Premium acrylic foldable IOL
- Outstanding Optics for Exceptional Vision Quality –
- Aberration – free Aspheric Design
- Uniform centre to edge power
- Excellent Contrast Sensitivity
- Innovative design improves clinical outcomes
- Four-point design for unsurpassed centration and stability
- Square-edge design to minimize chances of PCO
ALCON AcrySof IQ Toric IOL – The AcrySof® Advantage for Astigmatism
- Premium acrylic high bio-compatibility foldable IOL
- The recent approval of the AcrySof IQ Toric IOL adds asphericity to this proven platform. With the addition of asphericity, the AcrySof IQ Toric IOL is designed to deliver enhanced contrast sensitivity and depth of focus while providing the stability and reliability surgeons have come to know in the AcrySof platform.
- It is exciting to have this reliable option with asphericity, proven stability, and a full range of cylindrical correction available to treat astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery
- Has limited ability to partially correct naturally occurring spherical aberrations present in the eye
- Zeiss CT Lucia Pre-loaded IOL
- CT LUCIA Intraocular Lense (IOLs), from Zeiss, world leaders in medical technology, is an innovative intraocular lens that incorporates a seriesof enhancements aimed at improving your visual outcomes. It is made with ultra-high purity hydrophobic acrylic and a proprietary cryo –lathing process – with no glistening, to provide a predictable and excellent visual outcomes.
- Unlike many other IOLs, CT LUCIA, comes in fully pre-loaded implantation system for a safe, trouble free and efficient IOL delivery. The pre-loaded system ensures minimal human interference, as it avoids the need for the technician to load the IOL into the injector. This ensures maintenance of sterility directly from the manufacturing centre to your eye.
- CT LUCIA is designed for the modern Cataract surgery. It can be smoothly implanted through a 2.0 mm incision with smooth unfolding into the lens capsular bag inside the eye.
- CT LUCIA, is the only preloaded, glistening free, heparin coated surface IOL, designed to compensate for a range of aberrations arising from different corneal shapes and lens misalignments. As a result, it provides better imaging quality for a real-life conditions.
- When you choose The CT LUCIA intraocular lens (IOLs), you are choosing the opportunity to rediscover your natural vision.
- The chance to live life independent from glasses
- AT LISA Multifocal IOL – has proven to be superior to other multifocal IOLs when it comes to the ultimate goal of independence from eyeglasses.
- AT LISA toric concept – AT LISA toric MICS IOL– toricity for astigmatism control
- By combining several innovative features, AT LISA toric offers outstanding functional multifocality and astigmatism correction in only one lens.
- AT LISA: a perfect fit for MICS
- AT LISA is the first generation of high performance aspheric multifocal IOLs for sub 2 mm MICS.
- Requirements for a MICS IOL:
- A thin IOL which can be folded up small enough to be injected below 2.0 mm (as low as 1.5 mm)
- while retaining enough power for a wide range of patients
- Offering stability and centration
- Offering an optimized optic design for an excellent visual outcome
- AT LISA’s unique MICS benefits:
- No post-operative astigmatism
- Almost immediate visual recovery
- Less trauma during the cataract procedure
- Low risk of endothelial cell loss
- Reduced risk of inflammation
- Rapid wound healing
- AT LISA Clinical Performance
- Due to the innovative AT LISA concept, AT LISA excels in post-op refractive results which leave nothing to be desired for presbyopic patients.
- AT LISA is excellent in visual acuity
- Uncorrected near and distance monocular visual acuity is within a range that enables patients to live without or with minimal support of glasses.
- AT LISA is impressive with enhanced depth of field
- The optical design of AT LISA enhances the depth of field, which in turn enhances the static apparent accommodation.
- AT LISA for very good contrast sensitivity
- Due to the asymmetrical light distribution over distance (65 %) and near (35 %) focus, the light yield of the AT LISA amounts to 80 %.
- Very good night vision and rare light phenomena
- In a study1, when compared to other multifocal IOLs, AT LISA has shown the best results with less than 10% incidence of moderate night halos.
- AT LISA toric Clinical Performance
- AT LISA toric is excellent in visual acuity
- Uncorrected near and distance monocular visual acuity is within a range that enables patients to live without or with minimal support of glasses.
- AT LISA toric provides an effective astigmatism correction
- AT LISA toric has proven efficacy in cylinder correction as shown in a study by Piétrini and Guedj.
- True Performance at All Distances – Exceptional Near, Intermediate and Distance Vision
- Say goodbye to bifocals and reading glasses with the new AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR® IOL, which offers enhanced image quality and provides a full range of vision near, far and everywhere in-between. Discover the innovative features and proven performance of the AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR® IOL, combining the trusted AcrySof® platform with the latest in vision correction technology for cataract patients.
- Patented apodized diffractive optic delivers optimal light energy to the retina.
- Aspheric design compensates for positive spherical aberration of the cornea.
- Have all the advanced innovations of the Acrysof IOL line.
- Here’s what makes AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR® IOLs so unique:
- The lens is available in a choice of two add powers, +3.0 D and +4.0 D. The AcrySof IQ ReSTOR IOL +3.0 D has nine diffractive rings compared with 12 for the AcrySof IQ ReSTOR IOL +4.0 D, and the apodization of the rings allows patients to adjust their focal range with improved quality of vision. Practitioners have described the range of near vision for the two lenses as approximately 40 cm for the +3.0 D model and approximately 33 cm for the +4.0 D model. Both the +3.0 D and the +4.0 D models have demonstrated a high rate of patient satisfaction.
- Alcon Panoptix Tri-Focal IOL:
- AcrySof IQ PanOptix is the first hydrophobic trifocal lens built on Alcon’s proven AcrySof IQ platform. Unlike other leading trifocal IOLs, AcrySof IQ PanOptix has an intermediate focal point at 60 cm, the distance for common intermediate vision activities like using a computer or reading a menu, combined with the excellent rotational and axial stability of the AcrySof single piece design. The design features of the AcrySof platform with the ENLIGHTEN Optical Technology are intended to help patients adapt more naturally to their new lens. The ENLIGHTEN Optical Technology provides an exceptionally high light utilization (88%) and less pupil dependence than previous generations of multifocal IOLs. This lens features a comfortable and continuous range of near to intermediate vision without compromising distance vision.